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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing 9 results

Showing results from Irish Civil War, Commemoration


poster / Michael Collins

Poster, 1972; produced to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the death of Michael Collins and Ireland's membership of the E.E.C. '1922-72 As Ireland takes its place with the nations of Europe we remember one of our great leaders who made it possible'.


photograph / Collins-Griffith Memorial

Photograph of laying of wreaths on the Collins-Griffith Memorial, Leinster Lawn, Dublin.


photograph / Rory O'Connor

Photograph of Rory O'Connor, mounted on card.


photograph / Joe McKelvey

Photograph of Joe McKelvey, in uniform as Commandant General I.R.A., mounted on card.


photograph / Seamus Devins

Photograph of Brigadier Seamus Devins in Irish Volunteer uniform mounted on card. Devins was shot dead at Benbulben, Co. Sligo, by Free State soldiers in September 1922.


knife (cutlery) / Michael Collins, commemorative

Michael Collins Memorial Knife. Standard Sheffield Tableknife, with half the handle (corroded). Stamped FIRTH STAINLESS and H.G. LONG & CO./CROSS DAGGER (with a shield enclosing crossed daggers between the words). Also stamped with half length portrait of Michael Collins with his name stamped...


photograph / Collins Griffith Memorial, 1923

Photograph, view of the unveiling of Collins Griffith Memorial on Leinster Lawn. 13 August 1923.


commemorative jug / Arthur Griffith

Arthur Griffith, commemorative jug. Staffordshire 6" high 4.1 ins. bottom diameter transfer printed pottery showing a print of a photograph by Hogan of Arthur Griffiths.


commemorative plaque / Mellows Bridge

Copy (in wood) of the plaque commemorating the renaming of the Queen's Bridge, Dublin, to Liam Mellows Bridge, 1942. Erected by the National Graves Association. The bridge had been renamed from Queen's Bridge to Queen Maeve Bridge in 1922.