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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Battle of the Four Courts (1922)


photograph / Four Courts, 1922

(Cashman 93) Civil War, Photograph of the blowing up of the Record Office, Four Courts, Dublin, 30 June 1922.


photograph / Four Courts, 1922

(Cashman 100) Civil War. Photograph of Free State soldier seen behind a barricade at a corner in Mary's Lane, with their rifles pointing towards the Four Courts, during the Civil War, 1922.


photograph / Four Courts, 1922

Four Courts. Photograph of ruins in Dublin after the Civil War, depicting the Four Courts, with a large hole through the facade to the right of the portico, and the dome absent.


photograph / Four Courts 1922

(Cashman 95) Civil War. Photograph of another view of Four Courts 1922, from immediately below the walls.


photograph / Four Courts, 1922

(Cashman 98) Civil War. Photograph of Free State soldier arranging shells for 18-pounder gun during attack on Four Courts, 1922.