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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Battle of Dublin (1922)


letter / O/C Gresham Hotel, 30 June 1922

Irish Civil War despatch from Oscar Traynor on paper headed 'Óglaigh na hÉireann Headquarters, Dublin City' dated 30 June 1922, addressed to 'O/C Gresham Hotel' (Patrick Morrissey) and giving instructions 'to break away to your position'.


photograph / Fr. O'Reilly, Battle of Dublin,1922

(Cashman 90) Civil War. Photograph of Father O'Reilly consoling an old woman during the evacuation of the city centre under the flag of the Red Cross, Marlborough Street area, Dublin, during the Battle of Dublin, 1922.


photograph / City of Dublin Whiskey Co., 1922

City of Dublin Whiskey Co. (Adam Scott & Co.), photograph of ruins in Dublin after the Irish Civil War. 1922


photograph / P.J. Keogh, 1922

Sandbag barricade at the shop of P.J. Keogh. A Dublin street barricade manned by what are probably Irish Free State Army solders. Taken in Dublin during the Civil War. In the background a group of children are gathered to watch.


photograph / Rotunda, 1922

(Cashman 251) Civil War. Photograph of the ruins of the Dublin sorting office at the Rotunda, burned down on 5 November 1922.


photograph / O'Connell Street, 1922

(Cashman 96) Civil War . Photograph of view of O'Connell Street when Gresham and Hammam hotels were under fire. 1922.


photograph / 'Mutineer', Four Courts, 1922

Photograph of the I.R.A.'s armoured car 'Mutineer' at the Four Courts. A Rolls Royce armoured car with a group of men in civilian clothes. Probably taken before the battle at the Four Courts, 1922.


photograph / Father O'Reilly, Marlborough Street, 1922

(Cashman 86) Civil War. Photograph of Father O'Reilly escorting civilians to safety under the flag of the Red Cross from Marlborough Street, Dublin, during attack on Hammam Hotel, 1922.


photograph / Gresham Hotel, 1922

Photograph of the Gresham Hotel, 1922. The ruins after the Civil War. By Joseph Cashman. 13" x 19".


reproduction / Gresham Hotel, 1922

Photograph of the Gresham Hotel, 1922. The ruins after the Civil War. By Joseph Cashman. 13" x 19".