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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing 4 results

Showing results from Leinster House (Kildare Street)


reproduction / Irish Volunteer, Leinster House

Black and white photographic print of engraving, showing Irish Volunteers drilling at Leinster House, circa 1780.


photograph / Eamon de Valera, Leinster House

Eamon de Valera leaving Leinster House. One of a set of four photographs, 1920s, of 1) Eamon de Valera leaving Leinster House. 2) a group of men, one in uniform, including Liam Mellows. 3) a gathering at Smithfield, with a speaker, Commandant Rory O'Connor addressing members of the Dublin City...


photograph / Collins Griffith Memorial, 1923

Photograph, view of the unveiling of Collins Griffith Memorial on Leinster Lawn. 13 August 1923.


photograph / 1919-22

Set of four photographs, Eamonn de Valera leaving Leinster House, Rory O'Connor address the Dublin Brigade, I.R.A., April 1922, at Smithfield, a group of men, one in uniform, including Liam Mellows. Also, funeral with Michael Collins as pallbearer (Arthur Griffith's funeral).