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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing 4 results

Showing results from World's Fair, 1939, New York


souvenir / Kilmainham Jail

Block of building stone from Kilmainham Jail, Dublin. One of four blocks of stone from buildings associated with the life of P.H. Pearse. Formerly exhibited at World's Fair, New York (1939), for which they were prepared. (1) from St. Enda's. (2) From G.P.O. (3) From Kilmainham Jail (4) From Arbour...


souvenir / St Enda's School

Block of building stone from St. Enda's School, Rathfarnham, Dublin. One of four blocks of stone from buildings associated with the life of P.H. Pearse. Formerly exhibited at World's Fair, New York (1939), for which they were prepared. (1) from St. Enda's. (2) From G.P.O. (3) From Kilmainham Jail...


souvenir / General Post Office

Block of building stone from the G.P.O., (General Post Office) Dublin. One of four blocks of stone from buildings associated with the life of P.H. Pearse. Formerly exhibited at World's Fair, New York (1939), for which they were prepared. (1) from St. Enda's. (2) From G.P.O. (3) From Kilmainham Jail...


souvenir / Arbour Hill Prison

Block of building stone from Arbour Hill Prison, Dublin. One of four blocks of stone from buildings associated with the life of P.H. Pearse. Formerly exhibited at World's Fair, New York (1939), for which they were prepared. (1) from St. Enda's. (2) From G.P.O. (3) From Kilmainham Jail (4) From...