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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Execution, Se�n Heuston


letter / Seán Heuston, 1916

Letter to Mrs. Heuston, mother of Seán Heuston, 18 May 1916, referring to the enclosure of certificates of death of Seán Heuston on official embossed paper.


last letter / Kilmainham Gaol, 7 May 1916

Last letter written by Seán Heuston before his execution, Manuscript letter, one sheet, written in pencil. Addressed from Kilmainham Prison, Sunday, May 7, 1916. Directed to Mr. Walsh, a colleague of Heuston's, probably at the Great Southern and Western Railway, regarding arrangements for his...