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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Richmond Barracks


photograph / Countess Markievicz, court martial, 1916

Photograph. Countess Markievicz about to enter a Red Cross Ambulance after her courtmartial, Dublin, 1916. One of a set of photographs taken by Harry de Courcy Wheeler in the aftermath of Easter week, 1916.


photograph / Countess Markievicz, court martial, May 1916

Photograph. Countess Markievicz about to enter a Red Cross Ambulance after her courtmartial, Dublin, 1916. One of a set of photographs taken by Harry de Courcy Wheeler in the aftermath of Easter week, 1916.


photograph / Captain Harry de Courcy Wheeler, 1916

Photograph. Major (then captain) Harry de Courcy Wheeler standing beside the ambulance in which Countess Markievicz was taken to the coutmartial, and carrying the walking stick which had been given him by Commandant Michael Mallin. The photograph was taken after he had given evidence at the...