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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing 3 results

Showing results from Castletown, Co. Wexford, Ireland


photograph / Liam Mellows' reinterment, 1924

Photograph of a group at a graveside - the reinterment of Liam Mellows at Castletown, Co. Wexford, about November 1924. In the centre of the group is Barney Mellows, Joe Reynolds and Fr. O'Keefe.


photograph / Jordan Family Headstone, Castletown, 1924

Photograph of the Jordan Family Headstone in Castletown Cemetry, before Liam Mellows' headstone was erected. c. 1924. The Jordon's were the maternal grandparents of Liam Mellows.


photograph / Joe Reynolds, Castletown, 1924

Photograph of Joe Reynolds and another at Liam Mellow's grave at Castletown, Co. Wexford, before the new headstone erected. 1924.