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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 21 to 40 of 40

Showing results from Socialist Movement


leaflet / A Series of Lectures for the Working Man

Socialist Party of Ireland. 'A Series of Lectures for the Working Man', being held at 35 Parliament Street, Dublin. 4 page booklet outlining dates and topics, advertising, literature etc. February 23rd - Socialist Economics; March 1st - Labour vs Capitalism; March 8th - The Social Revolution;...


leaflet / Irish Socialist Republic/Patriotism and Labour, 1897

'Irish Socialist Republic/Patriotism and Labour' handbill issued by the Socialist Party of Ireland. By James Connolly, 1897.


leaflet / Socialist Labour Party of Ireland / Declaration of Principles, c. 1896

Socialist Labour Party of Ireland. 1 page, "Declaration of Principles". c. 1896.


handbill / Socialism, 1910

'Socialism', by James Connolly. Handbill listing venues and dates for addresses by James Connolly, c.1910.


programme / Socialist Party of Ireland / The Re-Birth of Ireland

Socialist Party of Ireland Concert. Handbill announcing recitals by "Casey" (W. Hampson) on 25th and 26th November. 'The Re-Birth of Ireland'.


notice / Socialism Lectures

Irish Socialist Labour Party. Card announcing Sunday Lectures on the subject of Socialism, at the Workers' Hall, 138 Upper Abbey Street.


sticker / James Connolly is Coming

'James Connolly is Coming'. Cummannacht na hÉireann (Socialist Party of Ireland) issued sticker. 42e Great Brunswick Street, Dublin. Printed by the Irish Ireland Printing Works, Dublin.


notice / Ireland and the International, 1918

'Ireland and the International'. Socialist Party of Ireland, 1918, handbill announcing lecture on the International by Cathal O'Shannon, at the Trades Hall, Sunday 10th March 1918.


leaflet / Workers Republic

Irish Socialist Republican Party subscription sheet for support of the Workers Republic. Blank. P. Dunne (Treasurer), M. Rafferty (Secretary).


appeal / Organisation Fund, 1910

Socialist Party of Ireland, printed appeal for Organisation Fund, signed (print) by William O'Brien, at 43 Belvedere Place, Dublin. 1910.


leaflet / Downfall of Prussianism, 1918

Cumannacht na hÉireann, Socialist Party of Ireland, handbill announcing a meeting to celebrate the Downfall of Prussianism, at the Trades Hall, Capel Street, Dublin, on 1 December 1918.


leaflet / Irish Socialist Republican Party and Edward VII, 1903

Irish Socialist Republican Party and Edward VII. Handbill protesting "The Royal Visit". 1903.


leaflet / Irish Socialist Republican Party and Edward VII, 1903

Irish Socialist Republican Party and Edward VII. Handbill protesting "The Royal Visit". 1903.


leaflet / Socialist Labour Candidate, 1911

Socialist Labour Candidate, 1911. Handbill supporting John McManus, Trinity Ward, in the Municiple Elections election of Aldermen. Announcing Helena Moloney, Richard O'Carroll, William O'Brien, Peadar Ó Maicin, James Connolly etc. as speakers at a meeting on 8 January.


leaflet / Russian Revolution and the Societ Republic

Russian Revolution and Republican Committee (Dublin Trades Council and Socialist Party of Ireland) handbill announcing first annual commemoration of the Russian Revolution and the Societ Republic, at the Mansion House on 18 November. Circa 1918


delegate card / International Socialist Congress, 1919

International Socialist Congress, 1919. Irish Delegation William O'Brien's bilingual card.


resource / The Ralahine Experiment

The Ralahine Experiment (Ralahine Commune). Estate of John Vandeleur, Co. Clare, 1831. 1st of a series on ex Limerick Weekly Echo, 2.7.1977.


resource / The Ralahine Experiment

The Ralahine Experiment (Ralahine Commune). Estate of John Vandeleur, Co. Clare, 1831. Articles re ex Limerick Weekly Echo, 9 and 16.7.1977.


notice / Socialist Rally, 1917

1917 Socialist Rally. Handbill giving notice of meeting on 12 January at Trades Hall, Capel Street, Dublin, to be addressed by W. Regan of Glasgow I.L.P.


leaflet / Tipperary Election / Lilly Connolly / O'Brien

Handbill - 'Tipperary's Labour Candidate / Remarkable Tribute from the Late James Connolly'. Printed reproduction of a letter from Lily Connolly to William O'Brien. Handbill citing her and James' (Connolly) endorsement of O'Brien in the Tipperary Election. Probably 1927.