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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 21 to 40 of 64

Showing results from Young Ireland Movement

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portrait / Charles Gavan Duffy, 1848

Print of a portrait picture of Charles Gavan Duffy (Cathal MacGabhann O Dubhthaigh), 1848. HH:1941.19.1 - 28. Collection of papers and pictures relating to 1798, 1848, the Fenians and the 1798 Centenary. HH:1941.19.16 - print of a picture of Charles Gavan Duffy (Cathal MacGabhann O Dubhthaigh),...


portrait / Thomas Davis

Print of a portrait drawing of Thomas Davis (Daimhineach) O Raghallaigh, 1848. HH:1941.19.1 - 28. Collection of papers and pictures relating to 1798, 1848, the Fenians and the 1798 Centenary. HH:1941.19.17 - print of a picture of Thomas Davis (Daimhineach) O Raghallaigh, 1848.


portrait / J.D. Frazer

Print of a portrait drawing of J.D. Frazer, 1848. HH:1941.19.1 - 28. Collection of papers and pictures relating to 1798, 1848, the Fenians and the 1798 Centenary. HH:1941.19.19 - print of a picture of J.D. Frazer, 1848.


portrait / Colonel Michael O'Donnell

Print of a portrait drawing of Colonel Michael O Dubhchonna (O'Donnell). HH:1941.19.1 - 28. Collection of papers and pictures relating to 1798, 1848, the Fenians and the 1798 Centenary. HH:1941.19.21 - print of a picture of Colonel Michael O Dubhchonna (O'Donnell).


illustration / The Spirit of the Nation, 1845

Drawings, frontispiece of 'The Spirit of the Nation', 1845. Original drawing made for the front cover of the first edition. Drawn in pen and brush by Sir Frederick William Burton. Signed F.W.B. Framed together with a photostatic reproduction of the frontispiece (from the National Library) as it...


print / Young Ireland Commemoration Mat

Young Ireland Commemoration mat from Montreal Tavern. "Nine Famous Irishmen" recording the post transportation achievements of Frank Meagher, Terence McManus, Patrick Donahue, Richard O'Gorman, Morris Leyne, Thomas D'Arcy McGee and John Mitchell (sic.) (paper)


resource / Thomas Francis Meagher, 1848 Tricolour

Thomas Francis Meagher and the 1848 Tricolour. Article re house from which he first displayed the flag 'Last Regency Building to be preserved', News and Star, 29.11.1978.


resource / Stephen Joseph Meany

Stephen Joseph Meany, Fenian and Young Irelander. Article re ex Ireland's Own, 31.10.1980.


resource / Young Irelander Autographs

Young Ireland Autographs, 1848-1849. Photocopy of entries on (?prison) copy of 'Young Man's Own Book'. Entries are William S. O'Brien ('Richmond Bridewell' 16.1.1949), Kevin Izod O'Doherty ('Richmond Prison' 17.1.1849), Charles Gaven Duffy ('Newgate Prison' 1.8.1841), John Martin ('Newgate Prison'...


letter / Collegiate Institutions in the South and West of Ireland, 1839

General letter, printed, informing of a resolution, passed at a General Meeting of the members of the Limerick Institution, 11 December 1839, to collaborate in the establishment of Collegiate Institutions in the South and West of Ireland. Signed William Smith O’Brien and M.Brody, Secretary.


political cartoon / Nailing the Colours of the Mast, 1891

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 24 October 1891. Titled 'Nailing the Colours of the Mast'. Colour print in green, red and black depicting Young Ireland as a young man nailing a flag reading 'Independance' to the mast. Below a section of a speech made by Parnell at Listowel, 13...


autograph / Young Irelanders, 1848

Piece of paper with the signatures of William Smith O'Brien, Thomas Francis Meagher, Terence Bellew MacManus and Patrick O'Donoghue, 1848.


reproduction / Young Ireland, 1848

Notice, printed and circulated by the King's representative in Ireland, 26/7/1848. Declaring Confederate Clubs illegal. Photocopy made in the National Library.


reproduction / Young Ireland, 1848

Notice, printed and circulated by the King's representative in Ireland, 29/4/1848. Against the election of a National Council of three hundred and against the constitution of a National Guard. Photocopy made in the National Library.


photocopy / William Smith O'Brien reward, 1848

Notice, printed and circulated by the King's representative in Ireland, 28 July 1848. Offering a reward of £500 for apprehension of William Smith O'Brien. Photocopy made in the National Library.


reproduction / Young Ireland, 1848

Notice, printed and circulated by the King's representative in Ireland, 28/7/1848. Offering a reward of £300 for apprehension of Thomas Francis Meagher, John Blake Dillon, and Michael Doheny. Photocopy made in the National Library.


illustration / Young Irelander flags

Drawing or illustration of the Young Irelander flags, crossed. Colour. The birth of the tricolour as the National Flag. Left; the tricolour of orange, white and green presented by Thomas Francis Meagher to the Irish people on 15 April 1848. The orange symbolised the Protestants, the green...


reproduction / Proclamation by the Council of the Irish Confederation, 3 March 1848

Photostatic reproduction of a printed document - Proclamation by the Council of the Irish Confederation, signed by William Smith O'Brien, Chairman. Dated at the Council Rooms of the Irish Confederation, 9 D'Olier Street, Dublin, 3 March, 1848.


map / Ireland / Young Irelanders

Map of Ireland, with pencil notes marking the locations relelvant to the Young Irelanders and the rebellion of 1848.


illustration / Widow McCormack's House

Print or illustration, depicting a house, titled Widow McCormack's House, on Boulagh Common, near Ballingarry. Co. Tipperary. Young Ireland Rebellion, 1848.