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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing 2 results

Showing results from Internment, 19th century


letter / John Ryan, Dartmoor Prison, 1877

Letter written by Michael Davitt from Dartmoor Prison to John Ryan, dated 23 November 1877. Two pages. Written on official prison paper. Framed. Asking John Ryan and Mr Harran to come and visit him.


list / Our Legion of Honour, 1881

Supplement to "United Ireland", 10 September 1881. Titled 'Our Legion of Honour' A Record of the Victims of the Coercion Act of 1881, decorated by and dedicated to William E. Forster, Her Majesties Chief Turnkey for Ireland. Listing those interned in various prisons - Kilmainham, Naas, Dundalk,...