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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Edinburgh (Scotland)


thesis / Tentamen Chymico-Medicum

Copy of the book - TENTAMEN CHYMICO-MEDICUM, INAUGURALE, DE AERE FIXO, GIVE ACIDO AEREO, M.D. Degree thesis from Edinburgh University, written by Thomas Addis Emmet. Published in Edinburgh, 1784. "Under the auspices of Christopher Temple Emmet" added in the author's handwriting on the first page....


reproduction / Freedom of Edinburgh, Parnell, 1889

Freedom of Edinburgh to Charles Stewart Parnell. Mounted photocopy of extract from the minutes of the special meeting of the Town Council of Edinburgh on 20 July 1889, which conferred the Freedom of the City on Parnell.


political cartoon / Parnell receiving the Freedom of Edinburgh, 1889

Political cartoon, from the Weekly Freeman (date etc details not present). Charles Stewart Parnell receiving the Freedom of Edinburgh from a female represenation of Scotland. 27 July 1889. Unsigned. HH:1940.44.1-41. Collection of pictures etc. taken of Irish History 1798 - 1905. HH:1940.44.9 -...