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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 1 to 20 of 38

Showing results from Parnell Commission, 1889


political cartoon / O'Donnell against The Times, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 14 July 1888. Titled 'O'Donnell against The Times' Although The Time got a verdict - this is what really came of it. Depicts the female figure of The Times, being kicked off the Queen's bench. Regarding the legal case Frank Hugh O'Donnell brought...


political cartoon / Stopped Short, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 28 July 1888. Titled 'Stopped Short'. Depicts Salisbury and Smith listening to a clock named 'The Times', with a bottle of Government Oil , ' Do what we may, we must make it Strike'. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE...


political cartoon / Hide and Seek, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 4 August 1888. Titled 'Hide and Seek'. Depicting Charles Stewart Parnell challenging the hiding Attorney General Webster and Walter of The Times to come out and fight. Regarding The Times series 'Parnellism and Crime'. With verse. Collection of...


political cartoon / Webster's Dictionary (Times Pamphlet of Parnellism and Crime), 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 11 August 1888. Titled 'Webster's Dictionary (Times Pamphlet of Parnellism and Crime)'. Depicting Attorney General Webster, Salisbury and Chamberlain looking at a dictionary 'No! I can find the words 'forgery', 'treachery', 'slander', 'libel', but I...


political cartoon / What Erin Expects, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 1 September 1888. Titled 'What Erin Expects'. Depicting a female Erin urging donations from the Irish merchants, artisans and farmers, indicating towards a Freeman's Journal Fund box, inscribed 'The National Indemnity to Mr Parnell and his...


political cartoon / Sneaking Off, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 29 September 1888. Titled 'Sneaking Off'. Depicting the female figure of Justice ordering The Times into the courtroom. Justice 'No, you are not going to et off that way. You will have to prove your words and take the consequences'. The Times 'I...


political cartoon / Caught!, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 13 October 1888. Titled 'Caught!', Judges 'It is a Devil fish'. Depicting three judges, in a fishing boat named 'Parnell Commission', catching The Times fish. The fish labelled 'forged letter' and 'forgery'. Referring to The Times series...


political cartoon / The Moutain in Labour, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 27 October 1888. Titled 'The Moutain in Labour'. Depicting three judges at a mountain, 'Charges and Allegations' above. 'After years of bellowing The Times has at last produced its - mouse'. Regarding The Times series 'Parnellism and Crime'. With...


political cartoon / Blown Up By Their Own Bombshell, 1889

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 23 February 1889. titled 'Blown Up By Their Own Bombshell'. Re the forgery / Parnell Commission, 1889.


political cartoon / A Peep Behind the Screen, 1889

Political cartoon, supplement to the United Ireland, 17 August 1889. Titled 'A Peep Behind the Screen, Forgery and Fraud on Her Majesty's Service'. References the Pigott forgeries. By J.D. Reigh.


sketch / 'Some Sketches in the House of Commons'

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'Some Sketches in the House of Commons'.


sketch / 'The Parnell Commission'.

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'The Parnell Commission'.


sketch / 'A Sketch in the Gallery for M.P.'s'.

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'A Sketch in the Gallery for M.P.'s'.


sketch / 'Samuel Murray Hussey et al.'

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'Samuel Murray Hussey et al.'


sketch / 'Mr Richard Piggot in the Box'.

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'Mr Richard Piggot in the Box'.


sketch / 'Mr Atkinson et al.'

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'Mr Atkinson et al.'


sketch / 'Thomas O'Connor/Some Irish Types'

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'Thomas O'Connor/Some Irish Types'.


sketch / 'Edward Honan et al.'

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'Edward Honan et al.'


sketch / 'Archbishop of Dublin et al.'

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'Archbishop of Dublin et al.'


sketch / 'Capt. Slack et al.'

Parnell Commission Drawings. Fred Pegram, c. 1888-1889, 28 pen and ink sketches. 'Capt. Slack et al.'