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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Battle of Ridgeway (1866)


reproduction / Battle of Limestone Ridge, 1866

Fenian raid on Canada, the Battle of Limestone Ridge, June 3, 1866. Drawing from C.E. Hurd, 1866. Photostat of illustration from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, New York, June 23, 1866.


photograph / Fenian Flag, 1866

Photograph of Fenian Flag carried at Battle of Ridgeway, 1866. Full plate, black and white, showing large flag, top left corner of which is torn, with legends 'Buffalo 7th Regt. Irish Army of Liberation, Ridgeway & Fort Erie, June 2nd 1866' around to right and 'Presented by the Fenian Sisterhood of...


print / Battle of Ridgeway, 1866

Colour print, The Battle of Ridgeway, Ontario, Canada, 2 June 1866. Print published in 1869, coloured, showing the confrontation between the Fenians under Col. O'Neill and the British forces under Col. Booker. Fenian Raids, Canada. Printed by The Sage, Sons & Co., Lithographic Printing and...