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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Fenian Rescue, Australia, 1876


flag / Catalpa, 1876

Flag of the Catalpa. U.S. flag, 14' by 10', 36 stars. The flag under which the whaler ship Catalpa, under Captain George Anthony, travelled on its Freemantle Mission to rescue six Fenians from Western Australia in 1876.


photograph / Catalpa Flag

Photograph of the Catalpa Flag. 1.5 plate color print showing Margaret Phelan holding the U.S. flag in her garden. Flag was probably one of the ships stock of flags for the long rescue journey. Flag is in Rothe House, Kilkenny. Inscribed on the back of the photograph is 'Margaret M. Phelan and the...


teapot / William Smith O'Brien / M.P.J. Smyth, c. 1864

Teapot, silverplate. Engraved with details of the set's commissioning. Part of set of silver plate commissioned with the £100 bequest of William Smith O'Brien to M.P.J. Smyth on O'Brien's death in 1864. Set consisting of teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, coffee pot (or chocolatier) and warmer....


coffee pot / William Smith O'Brien / M.P.J. Smyth, c. 1864

Coffee pot, or chocolatier, silverplate. Part of set of silver plate commissioned with the £100 bequest of William Smith O'Brien to M.P.J. Smyth on O'Brien's death in 1864. Set consisting of teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, coffee pot (or chocolatier) and warmer. Commisioned to commemorate Smyth's two...


sugar bowl / William Smith O'Brien / M.P.J. Smyth, c. 1864

Sugar bowl, silverplate. Part of set of silver plate commissioned with the £100 bequest of William Smith O'Brien to M.P.J. Smyth on O'Brien's death in 1864. Set consisting of teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, coffee pot (or chocolatier) and warmer. Commisioned to commemorate Smyth's two journeys to...


milk jug / William Smith O'Brien / M.P.J. Smyth, c. 1864

Creamer or milk jug, silverplate. Part of set of silver plate commissioned with the £100 bequest of William Smith O'Brien to M.P.J. Smyth on O'Brien's death in 1864. Set consisting of teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, coffee pot (or chocolatier) and warmer. Commisioned to commemorate Smyth's two...


pot warmer / William Smith O'Brien / M.P.J. Smyth, c. 1864

Warmer for coffee pot or chocolatier, silverplate. Part of set of silver plate commissioned with the £100 bequest of William Smith O'Brien to M.P.J. Smyth on O'Brien's death in 1864. Set consisting of teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, coffee pot (or chocolatier) and warmer. Commisioned to commemorate...