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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Historical - Political Cartoon Collection

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political cartoon / Notice to Quit, 1885

Political cartoon, which was issued as an appendix to the United Ireland newspaper on 20 June 1885, showing Charles Stewart Parnell giving papers entitled NOTICE TO QUIT to Earl Spencer. Printed in colour.


political cartoon / Father Keller P.P., 1887

Political cartoon. Coloured picture, printed. Fr Daniel Keller P.P., Youghal, who was imprisoned in Kilmainham for contempt of court, Saturday 19 march 1887. Appendix to the "Weekly Freeman", 26 March 1887.


political cartoon / Charles Stewart Parnell and Ireland, 1893

Political cartoon. Coloured picture, printed. Depicting the ghost of Charles Stewart Parnell and the female figure of Hibernia (Ireland), holding a page titled 'Unity'. Underneath - Spirit of Parnell - 'Aye, let Irishmen unite as I united them, in honour and Independence - but in Dishonour and...


political cartoon / Charles Stewart Parnell, 1891

Political cartoon. Coloured picture, printed. Charles Stewart Parnell, with 'your friend, Chas S Parnell',. Underneath - Died 6 October 1891 'Let my love be conveyed to my Colleagues and the Irish People'. by J.D. Reigh. Appendix to 'United Ireland', 10 October 1891.


political cartoon / A Soldier's Legacy, 1893

Political cartoon. Coloured picture, printed. Charles Stewart Parnell and the female figure of Ireland, titled 'A Soldier's Legacy'. Though I were dead and gone tomorrow, the men in Ireland who are fighting against English influence would fight on still; they would still be Independent...


political cartoon / Weekly Freeman, 1887

Book, bound volume, of circa fifty political cartoons and corresponding verses which had appeared in the 'Weekly Freeman' newspaper in 1887. Largely deals with Charles Stewart Parnell, Home Rule and the Land League Movements. Published weekly as a supplement between 4 December 1886 and 12 November...


political cartoon / Petty Larceny, 1887

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 19 November 1887. Titled 'Petty Larceny'. Depicting Balfour stealing William O'Brien's clothing, leaving prison clothes in their place. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN CARTOONS, FORMING THE...


political cartoon / The Road to Ruin, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 21 January 1888. Titled 'The Road to Ruin'. Depicting the 1881 Land Act as a toban, sliding down the slope of rent reduction towards bankruptcy. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN CARTOONS, FORMING...


political cartoon / From Grave to Gay, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 28 January 1888. Titled 'From Grave to Gay'. Depicting William O'Brien, with the Plan of Campaign in his pocket, greeting Balfour, who is digging the grave at a tomb marked O'Brien. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form -...


political cartoon / Unionists Look Out!!!, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 4 February 1888. Titled 'Unionists Look Out!!!'. Depicting Parnell greeting a cheering crowd with 'Home Rule' , 'Liberty of Speech' and 'No Coercion' banners. Balfour and Hartington view the scene from a window - 'When this is reported in...


political cartoon / The Union of Hearts, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 11 February 1888. Titled 'The Union of Hearts'. Depicting three men, representing England, Ireland and Scotland, shaking hands, behind them a plaque reading 'The Friendship of Two Peoples is the Safety of Both'. The Anti-Union Conspirators...


political cartoon / How Long O Lord?, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 18 February 1888. Titled 'How Long O Lord?'. Depicting a male, 80 years of age, named Bartley Geary, residing at Kilkerrin, Connemara, was evicted from his dwelling house under the new Land Act on Thursday last by order of the magistrates. He...


political cartoon / Remember Michelstown, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 25 February 1888. Titled 'Remember Michelstown'. Depicting George Goschen, who has been asking'in what has it' 'Remember Mitchelstown' been fruitful?' is suddenly attracted by strange writing on the wall, written in a familiar hand. With the...


political cartoon / The Devils Work, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 3 March 1888. Titled 'The Devils Work'. Depicting the Devil looking out from the doorway of a broken down Irish house, at the evicted family. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN CARTOONS, FORMING THE...


political cartoon / Rude Borey-Ass and the Traveller, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 10 March 1888. Titled 'Rude Borey-Ass and the Traveller'. Depicting the female Erin with a green cloak named 'Irish National League' wrapped tightly around her, with Balfour blowing a cold wind named 'Coercion'. With a quote from Aesop's...


political cartoon / A Saint Patrick's Day Reflection, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 17 March 1888. Titled 'A Saint Patrick's Day Reflection'. Depicting the female Erin standing before a Celtic Cross memorial to the emigrated Irishmen and women., as she points towards a ship leaving the shore. 'And still there are those who...


political cartoon / The Bone of Contention, 1888

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 24 March 1888. Titled 'The Bone of Contention'. Depicting two dogs battling over a bone named 'Office'. The Tory and Liberal Unionist dogs have a wrangle over the only bone they really care about. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed...


political cartoon / Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, 1887

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 26 November 1887. Titled 'Don Quixote and Sancho Panza'. Depicting Hartington as Don Quixote, blocked by a rock marked 'Irish National Sentiment'. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN CARTOONS, FORMING...


political cartoon / Peace Without Honour, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 31 March 1888. Titled 'Peace Without Honour'. Depicting a man, 'T.W.R.' on the tail of his jacket, climbling through the window of the National Party. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN CARTOONS, FORMING...


political cartoon / Edmund Dwyer Gray, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 7 April 1888. Half length portrait In Loving Memory of Edmund Dwyer Gray Patriot and Friend. Newspaper propriotor, M.P. and Parnellite. Died 27 March 1888. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN CARTOONS,...