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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Historical - Political Cartoon Collection

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political cartoon / The League and the Leprechaun, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 14 April 1888. Titled 'The League and the Leprechaun'. Depicting an Irish man, representing the Land League, holding a small sized Balfour. The League, who has just caught a Leprechaun - 'An' so you imp of falsehood, you have been tellin' them over...


political cartoon / The Modern Quintus Curtius, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 21 April 1888. Titled 'The Modern Quintus Curtius'. Depicting Balfour on a donkey named 'Coercion', falling into a pit. The Modern Quintus Curtius, as described by that brilliant Tory Ashmead Bartlett, Quintus Curtius' Balfour plunges into the pit,...


political cartoon / Ventriloqism Extraordinary, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 28 April 1888. Titled 'Ventriloqism Extraordinary'. Depicting Balfour operating a puppet dressed as a Judge in a courtroom. Professor Balfour, that nororious Ventriloquist and his dolls, have been doing the country with great satisfaction to...


political cartoon / The New Papal Nuncio, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 5 May 1888. Titled 'The New Papal Nuncio'. Depicting Balfour dressed in red clerical robes, showing a female Erin a decree from Rome. Erin stands with a crucifix and a document titled 'Land Agitation'. Balfour, who has got on a suit which is kept in...


political cartoon / Shylock and the 'Plan', 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 12 May 1888. Titled 'Shylock and the 'Plan''. Shylock (a Lord) demanding his due from Portia (Plan of Campaign). With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN CARTOONS, FORMING THE POLITICAL HISTORY OF IRELAND FOR THE...


political cartoon / The Black Watch, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 19 May 1888. Titled 'The Black Watch'. Depicting Balfour outside the jail cell of John Dillon. 'He may become a thing of the past, like the National League'. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN CARTOONS,...


political cartoon / The Ass in the Lion's Skin, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 26 May 1888. Titled 'The Ass in the Lion's Skin'. Depicting Balfour as a lion, being beaten by an Irish man. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN CARTOONS, FORMING THE POLITICAL HISTORY OF IRELAND FOR THE...


political cartoon / The Rivals, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 2 June 1888. Titled 'The Rivals'. Depicting Balfour, holding a bouquet of flowers named 'coercion', rejected by the female Southampton, who is in the arms of the male 'National League'. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE...


political cartoon / The Siamese Twins, 1887

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 3 December 1887. Titled 'The Siamese Twins'. Or the Real Union of Liberal Unionists. This miserable exhibitions took place on tuesday last in the Leinster Hall, Dublin, for the edification of a mob of dilapidated Tory landlords, who howled...


political cartoon / Check-mate (next move), 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 9 June 1888. Titled 'Check-mate (next move)'. Depicting Balfour playing chess against the Land League, 'I've lost all my men but the Castle and one Bishop, and I can't see any way out of it'. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book...


political cartoon / A General Invitation, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 16 June 1888. Titled 'A General Invitation'. Depicting a female Erin - 'Shure you're always going to Scotland and the Continent - Why not give me a chance this year. I have as beautiful hills anmd lakes as any of them, and I'll take the best care of...


political cartoon / The Last Act, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 23 June 1888. Titled 'The Last Act'. Depicting Balfour showing the Ayrburgh Election result to Lord Salisbury, dressed as Macbeth, holding a knife named 'coercion'. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN...


political cartoon / John Dillon's body is lying in Dundalk Jail tonight, but his soul goes marching on, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 30 June 1888. Titled 'John Dillon's body is lying in Dundlak Jail tonight, but his soul goes marching on', Spoken at Dundalk by William O'Brien, June 20. Depicts John Dillon lying on a jail bed, dreamig of Home Rule. With verse. Collection of...


political cartoon / The Real Cabinet Question - How Long Will He Last, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 7 July 1888. Titled 'The Real Cabinet Question - How Long Will He Last'. Depicts Balfour and cabinet members watching Gladstone courting the female figure of The Country. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE WEEKLY FREEMAN...


political cartoon / O'Donnell against The Times, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 14 July 1888. Titled 'O'Donnell against The Times' Although The Time got a verdict - this is what really came of it. Depicts the female figure of The Times, being kicked off the Queen's bench. Regarding the legal case Frank Hugh O'Donnell brought...


political cartoon / Looking at his Work, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 21 July 1888. Titled 'Looking at his Work'. Depicts Balfour looking into the coffin of John Mandeville, died July 1st of Savage Coercion. Suggested by a picture by Paul de la Roche of Cromwell gazing at the dead king. Regarding the death of John...


political cartoon / Stopped Short, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 28 July 1888. Titled 'Stopped Short'. Depicts Salisbury and Smith listening to a clock named 'The Times', with a bottle of Government Oil , ' Do what we may, we must make it Strike'. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in book form - THE...


political cartoon / Hide and Seek, 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 4 August 1888. Titled 'Hide and Seek'. Depicting Charles Stewart Parnell challenging the hiding Attorney General Webster and Walter of The Times to come out and fight. Regarding The Times series 'Parnellism and Crime'. With verse. Collection of...


political cartoon / Webster's Dictionary (Times Pamphlet of Parnellism and Crime), 1888

Political cartoon, taken from the Weekly Freeman, 11 August 1888. Titled 'Webster's Dictionary (Times Pamphlet of Parnellism and Crime)'. Depicting Attorney General Webster, Salisbury and Chamberlain looking at a dictionary 'No! I can find the words 'forgery', 'treachery', 'slander', 'libel', but I...


political cartoon / The Tory Idea of Conciliation, 1887

Political cartoon, supplement with the Weekly Freeman, 10 December 1887. Titled 'The Tory Idea of Conciliation'. Depicting the door of an Irish home being broken in with a battering ram by Royal Irish Constabulary, Emergency men and the Fire service. With verse. Collection of cartoons printed in...