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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 121 to 140 of 962

Showing results from Arms and Armour - Militaria Collection

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Carlow Rifles mess plate / Carlow Rifles, c.1880

Carlow Militia mess plate c.1880, with green border and impressed on back with Worcester post – 1871 mark. Regimental device of crowned garter with the legend CARLOW RIFLES enclosing LXX all within a shamrock wreath on the rim of the plate.


certificate / Michael Murphy, Royal Irish Rifles, WWI

World War I commemorative scroll in memory of Rifleman Michael Murphy, Royal Irish Rifles. Mounted on a card and fixed by 4 pins from wooden back to glass front. Chain for suspension.


photograph / Royal Artillery, c. 1900

Royal Artillery group. Large mounted photograph showing four rows outside a barrack wall in Ireland, c. 1900.


postcard photograph / Lt. John C. Maguire

Lt. John C. Maguire. Postcard studio photo of showing him ¾ length in uniform without cap. Maguire was the youngest officer then commissioned at 19 years of age.


postcard photograph / Lt. John C. Maguire

Lt. John C. Maguire. Postcard photo of showing him with another officer, full length, uniformed at a barrack wall.


invitation / Lt. John C. Maguire

Lt. John C. Maguire wedding invitation card 1926, with one newspaper notice re wedding and a later one recording his death (“ex-Lieut. National Army”) in 1941.


reproduction / David Bates Military Academy, 1798

David Bates/Military Academy. Rocque's map endorsed to show properties of Bates in Summerhill, Dublin in 1798 when he was in financial difficulties.


presentation cup / Captain S.V. Morgan, Royal Irish Rifles, WWI

Royal Irish Rifles Presentation cup. Silver with Antrim Rifle Corps / 3rd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles crest engraved on one face and "To Lieut. & Adjutant S.V. Morgan from Lieut. Col. W.G.C. McCammond in grateful recognition of valuable services rendered to the Battalion 1914-17". The two handled...


photograph album / Private Joseph McEnroe, Royal Irish Fusiliers, WWI

WWI photograph album kept by Private Joseph McEnroe, 1st Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers. and sometime prisoner of war. Including: a photograph of himself as P.O.W. at Gettorf 1918; of his brother Thomas, wounded at Ypres, at Manchester Hospital with two others; seven picture postcards of Gettorf...


campaign medal / 88th Regiment

88th Regiment. Struck medal, bar and ribbon 1.3" diameter. Obverse shows Hibernia seated next to a Maid of Erin harp, extending laurel wreath. Reverse bears '88' on top separating crosses laurel sprays deeply engraved, LIVE /MIVELLE / VITORRIA / FUENTES DE / ON OR / PYERENNEES / TOULOUSE / ORTHES....


badge / Battle of the Boyne, 300th Anniversary

Badge, gilt and enaamel; in commemoration the 300th Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne, 1990.


badge / Ulster

Badge, in the shape of the six counties comprising the political North of Ireland; white enamel background with a red cross through the centre, with the Red Hand of Ulster within a six-pointed star, crowned. Note attached - 'old badge, lost and found Bridge St. city centre'.


badge / The Spirit of Freedom

Irish Militant Republican Badge; with a golden bird carrying a machine gun on a green background. 'The Spirit of Freedom'. Enamelled metal. One of three badges bought at a Republican Stall, at Beechmount, Falls Road, Belfast, on the Saturday before the 75th. Anniversary of the Easter Rising 1916,...


badge / Easter Rising, commemoration

Badge, representation of the G.P.O., Dublin, in flames, and a combatant with a tricolour flag in foreground. With the words 'i gcuimhne aiséirí' dividing 19 / 16. One of three badges bought at a Republican Stall, at Beechmount, Falls Road, Belfast, on the Saturday before the 75th. Anniversary of...


photograph / British Army, 1914

Photograph of a group of British Army officers in a field in front of a field artillery gun. A dog lying at their feet. c. 1914.


buttonstick /

One of two brass buttonsticks with long opening in the centre. Used to clean uniform buttons. Inscribed "Smith & Wright Button and Ornament Manufacturers and Contractors, Birmingham" and "FF"


buttonstick /

One of two brass buttonsticks with long opening in the centre. Used to clean uniform buttons. Inscribed "Smith & Wright Button and Ornament Manufacturers and Contractors, Birmingham" and "FF"


insignia / City of Dublin Volunteers, insignia

Insignia of the City of Dublin Volunteers. Used by the Volunteer Reserve 1929-35.


medal / Volunteers of Ireland, c.1780

Silver medal for Bravery to the Volunteers of Ireland c.1780. The obverse has a Maid of Erin harp between a crossed laurel spray tied with a double ribbon. On scrolls the following inscriptions Concitat ad Arma and below Volunteers of Ireland. On the reverse the following inscription: Conferr’d by...


button / Dublin Metropolitan Police

Dublin Metropolitan Police button. "DUBLIN POLICE" around the crown. Inscribed on reverse "COMYNS & SON DUBLIN".