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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Medallic Collection


temperance medal / Theobald Mathew to Dr. John Miley, c. 1840.

Temperance Medal, gold. Presented by Reverend Theobald Mathew to Reverend Dr. John Miley, c. 1840. Above a farm scene illustrating peace and plenty. Below a barrel of whiskey and a skeleton serving out drink. Below 'I. PARKES' , the maker. Reverse shows clasped hands and a ribbon above a harp...


medal / Daniel O'Connell, 1847

O’CONNELL, DANIEL, memorial medal, c.1847, white metal. No signature. Probably by Isaac Parkes. Obv. Bust of O’Connell (l) wearing ruff and coat DANIEL O’CONNELL ESQ. M.P. Underneath bust. THE FRIEND OF HIS COUNTRY. Rev. Hibernia in an attitude of dejection is seated in front of a tomb inscribed...


medal / Daniel O'Connell, 1850

Daniel O’Connell memorial medal, c.1850. No signature, white metal, probably by Isaac Parkes. Obverse shows a bust of O’Connell wearing a coat, scarf with bow tied underneath chin, full face facing forward. 'DANIEL O’CONNELL ESQRE M.P.'. Underneath the bust 'FROM A DAGUERREOTYPE BY BEARD'. The...


medal / Daniel O'Connell, 1847

Daniel O’Connell, memorial medal, 1847. Brass, with no signature. Obverse shows bust of O’Connell (l) 'DANIEL O’CONNELL M.P. THE FRIEND OF HIS COUNTRY'. The reverse depicts a tomb with a row of shamrocks in front of the base and a radiant cross overhead. On the front of the tomb is 'D.O’CONNELL...


medal / Bantry Bay Association, 18th century

Bantry Bay Association medal. 18th century


medal / Bantry Bay Association, 18th century

Bantry Bay Association medal. 18th century.


medal / Daniel O'Connell

Medal, Daniel O'Connell, by William Mossop. Bust of o'Connell on obverse, 'Erin ma Vorneen' on reverse, within a wreath of ivy leaves and shamrock.


medal / Daniel O'Connell

Medal, Daniel O'Connell. Obverse reads 'D O'Connell the Friend of His Country', with bust facing left in centre. The reverse depicts a Maid of Erin harp in the centre, on either side a spray of shamrock and a spray of ivy leaves, with and 'Erin go Bragh' above.


medal / Daniel O'Connell

Daniel O'Connell commemorative medal. Obverse shows front facing bust of O'Connell with 'Daniel O'Connell Esq MP' around above and 'The Liberator of Ireland' around below. The reverse reads 'BORN Aug 6 1775 DIED AT GENOA May 15 1847'.


medal / Daniel O'Connell, centenary, 1875

Daniel O'Connell medal, commemorating the 100th anniversary of his birth, 6 August 1875. On the obverse is the bust of O'Connell facing with 'Danl O'Connell MP', the reverse reads 'To Commemorate the Centenary O'Connell's Birth 6 August 1875'. With singular shamrocks.


medal / Bantry Bay, 1797

Bantry Bay medal 1797. Medal by William Mossop. Bronze.


medal / Daniel O'Connell, 1841

Daniel O'Connell medal. By William Woodhouse after Peter Turnerelli. White Metal. Obv. Bust of O’Connell, R., shoulders draped. Around, DANIEL O CONNELL ESQ MP Signed, P. TURNERELLI DEL. W WOODHOUSE.F. Rev. O’Connell as Lord Mayor, standing before Hibernia, as draped seated female figure, arms...


electrotype / Daniel O'Connell

Electrotype of Daniel O'Connell medal. Elliptical 2 x 1.6 inches. Showing bust in high relief and signed GEOGHEGAN.


1916 50th Anniversary Medal / Robert de Coeur

Medal, bronze, awarded to captain Robert de Coeur for participation in 1916 Rising. 1916 Survivors medal.


War of Independence Service Medal, General /

War of Independence, or 'Black and Tan' medal, bronze, with symbolic coloured ribbon. No Combat bar present.