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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from War of Independence, Execution


statue / Kevin Barry

Plaster bust of Kevin Barry, 11inches high including pedestal. Inscribed on front of pedestal 'Caomihin/de Barra' and on the back 'copyright 1922'.


letter / Frank Flood, 1920

Frank Flood, message to on the eve of his execution signed Arthur Griffith, M.J. Staines, Eoin MacNeill and G.J. Duggan on behalf of his 'fellow prisoners'.


photograph / Dick McKee & Peadar Clancy

Photograph of Dick McKee & Peadar Clancy. 23" x 19.5" in brown mottled frame with gilt edge. Marked underneath 'Dick McKee, Peadar Clancy Executed Dublin Castle 1920'. Composite photograph.


newspaper article / Mountjoy 10

Frank Flood. A cutting regarding the death of Flood, Thomas Bryan, Patrick Doyle and Bernard Ryan, detailing their last minutes. Titled 'All for the Sacred Heart'.


newspaper article / Mountjoy Executions, 1921

Newspaper front page reporting the Mountjoy Executions, 1921. Irish Independent, 14 March 1921.


newspaper article / Mountjoy Executions, 1921

Newspaper front page reporting the Mountjoy Executions, 1921. Irish Independent, 15 March 1921.


illustration / Leabhar na hAiséirghe, The Kevin Barry Page

Illustration, Leabhair na hAiséirghe by Art O'Murnaghan. The Kevin Barry Page.


photograph / Frank Flood

Photograph of Frank Flood, who was hanged at Mountjoy Prison, 14th March, 1921.


walking stick / Kevin Barry

Kevin Barry's walking stick. It was cut, slightly ornamented and used by Barry and given to Kevin Barry's nephew by by his mother - a sister of Barry's. With a small metal plate on each side of handle.


cartoon / England Hangland, 1921

Postcard cartoon: England Hangland. Zum Gedachtnis Fur Irlands Freiheitskampfer. Handwritten note on back implies this was sent to Cathal MacDowell by a Dr Grabisch(?) of Berlin, and a note saying Maeve to send any of her stuff. This card was redrawn by Cathal MacDowell, 1921, with English...


cartoon / England Hangland, 1921

Postcard cartoon: England Hangland. A German View of Things. Zum Gedachtnis Fur Irlands Freiheitskampfer. Remember Ireland's Gallows. The original was published in Berlin by the German-Irish Society on the occasion of the six executions in Mountjoy. 1921. Artwork redrawn by Cathal MacDowell.


card / Kevin Barry, Mountjoy, 1920

Portion of a letter to Kevin Barry. Portions of a letter card bearing the address of Gerrard Barry Esq., Mountjoy Prision, Dublin. The portions bear the post mark of Navan dated the 12th October 1920 and the initials of the Governor of the Prison, dated 13.10.'20. They were picked up from the floor...


portrait photograph / Frank Flood

Photographic portrait of Francis X Flood, (Frank Flood), 1st Lieutenant, A.S.U., Dublin Brigade, Irish Volunteers, born Dublin, 1901, executed Mountjoy Jail, March 14, 1921. Front face, head and shoulders.


cell card / Frank Flood, Mountjoy, 1921

Printed cell card of Frank Flood. Committed to Mountjoy Prison, February 16, 1921. Executed there in 1921. Printed card of regulation form; particulars in ink.


photograph / Thomas Whelan, Mountjoy Jail, 1921

Photograph of Thomas Whelan being led by two British Army officers in Mountjoy Jail. Said to have been taken when being led to his execution, 14 March 1921.


photograph / Mountjoy Prison, March 1921

Photograph taken outside Mountjoy Prison, 13 March 1921. Shows women carrying banner inscribed 'England Executes / Prisoners of War'. 7.5 inches by c.5.5 inches.


photograph / Thomas Whelan, 1921

Photograph of Thomas Whelan and his two auxilliary guards. Taken the day before his execution (14 March 1921).


miniature / Kevin Barry

Miniature: Kevin Barry. By A.F. Levins, on ivory, painted from a newspaper photograph. Barry was executed in Mountjoy Prison in 1920.


souvenir / Thomas Whelan, 1921

Mountjoy, 1921. The toothbrush which belonged to Thomas Whelan, executed. Given to the Mrs R. Kelly by Mrs. Mahon of Barrow St., Ringsend, Dublin: Thomas Whelan's landlady.


photograph / Frank Flood

Photograph of Frank Flood who was hanged, executed at Mountjoy Prison, 14th March 1921.