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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 81 to 100 of 254

Showing results from 1916 Rising, Aftermath

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letter / Ireland's right to Independence, 1917

Sheet of linen, 16 inches by 14 inches, inscribed with a message urging Ireland's right to Independence, signed by 26 political prisoners released in 1917 and addressed to the President and Congress of the United States. Dated Dublin, June 18, 1917. The sheet was linen handkerchief starched stiff...


photograph / GPO, 1916

Photograph of the ruins of the General Post Office, after the 1916 Rising. Central News, 10 by 8 inches, taken from top of Nelson Pillar.


photograph / Thomas Ashe Funeral

Photograph of the funeral of Thomas Ashe, 1917. Showing the coffin on the comrades' shoulders at the graveside.


plan / Sackville Street Area Destroyed During the Disturbances April 1916

Dublin 1916 Street Map on 20 inch by 23 inch card, headed Plan of the Sackville Street Area Destroyed During the Disturbances April 1916. Issued by the Hibernian Fire and General Insurance Co. Ltd.


photograph / Freemans Journal destruction, 1916

Dublin Street Scene, aftermath of the 1916 Rising. Showing damaged buildings - The Ruins of the Freeman's Journal Offices. 13" x 19"


pin badge / Tricolour, 1916-17

A tricolour pin badge c.1916, 1917. Of a kind worn a short time after the 1916 Rising. Gilt metal with enamel tricolour.


photograph / Liberty Hall, post 1916

Postcard photograph. Liberty Hall, with scaffolding, depicting the re-building after the 1916 shelling. Large white textile streamer across the front of the building reads 'James Connolly Murdered May 12th 1916'.


photograph / Thomas Ashe

Postcard photograph; commemoration of the death of Thomas Ashe, Mountjoy, 1917. Published by the Powell Press, 22 Parliament Street, Dublin.


photograph / Thomas Ashe

Postcard photograph; commemoration of the death of Thomas Ashe, Mountjoy, 1917. With photograph and biography, coloured crossed tricolour flags and FF badge, with 'Sinn Fein Abu'. Published by the Gaelic Press, Liffey Street, Dublin.


photograph / Return of the I.R.A. Prisoners, June 1917

Postcard photograph, depicting Countess Markievicz arriving at Liberty Hall, Dublin. Return of the I.R.A. Prisoners, June 1917.


cartoon / That's the Stuff to Give 'em!

Postcard cartoon; Cartoon, various weapons with a flag with 'Poblacht na hEireann Abu'. Underneath - 'That's the Stuff to Give 'em!'. Undated, but post 1916.


cartoon / Making a clean sweep of it

Postcard cartoon; 'Making a clean sweep of it'. Erin sweeping Ireland with a brush titled 'Sinn Fein'. Initialled G.B. Postcard published by George Belton of 111 Connaught Street, Dublin.


picture postcard / No Rest for that Brute Maxwell, 1916

Pictorial postcard. 'No Rest for that Brute Maxwell'.


photograph / Prisoners marching to the North Wall,, 1916

(Cashman 13) 1916 Rising. Photograph of Irish prisoners being escorted to North Wall, Easter, 1916.


poster / Plunkett, Joseph, George and John

Poster photograph of Count Plunkett's sons George and John at Richmond Military Barracks with British troops, and the subtitle "Condemned" (1916 Rising). Bottom text tells of the condemning of the Plunketts to death for their part in the Sinn Fein Rising, though only Joseph was executed, the others...


notice / Public Notice Arms and Ammunition, 1916 Rising

Public Notice Re: Arms and Ammunition. Signed General Sir John Grenfell Maxwell, General Commander in Chief, The Forces in Ireland, Headquarters Irish Command, dated 2nd May 1916. Printed by Powell Press, 22 Parliament Street, Dublin.


statement / Statement re property taken from F. Sheehy Skeffington's house, 1916

Typed statement given by Hanna Sheehy Skeffington regarding the property taken from the Sheehy Skeffingtons’ house, and from Francis Sheehy Skeffington's body after his shooting in Portobello Barracks, 26 April 1916 Typescript with her changes; 3pp.


photograph / Thomas Ashe Funeral 30 September 1917 - At the Grave

Postcard photograph, printed. Thomas Ashe Funeral 30 September 1917 - At the Grave


photograph / Irish Rebellion, 1916

Postcard photograph - Irish Rebellion, May 1916 series. Talbot Street, Dublin, held against a rebel charge. Printed by The Daily Sketch for Easons, Dublin.


photograph / Irish Rebellion, 1916

Postcard photograph - Irish Rebellion, May 1916 series. Soldiers bivouaking opposite Liberty Hall. Printed by The Daily Sketch for Easons, Dublin.