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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Castlebar


certificate / Eamon de Valera, 1973

Large, framed hand painted certificate. Presented to Eamon De Valera. Text is in Irish and reads "Failtiu Eamon De Valera Uachtaran na hEireann chuig Caislean a' Bharraigh ar ocaid bhronnta Throfai agus duaiseanna Glor na nGael ar an 27 Bealtaine 1973". Ten signatures on the bottom. The text is...


roman missal / Missale Romanum, 1777

Missal. "Missale Romanum, ex Decreto Sacrosancti concilii Trindentini Restitutum, Pii V Pont. Max. Junu Editum, et Clementis VIII Prirnum, nunc denuo Urban Papae VIII. Auctorite Recognitum. Et novorum fertorum minis hucusque concevis auctum. His accedunt ferta, quae ex indulto apostolico in regno...


newsheet / Dublin Castle, 29 August 1798

Dublin Castle Government issued war bulletin, dated 29 August 1798. Printed by George Grierson, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty.


notice / Reward for 1798 Leaders

Warning against joining the rising, harbouring outlaws, etc.; and reward of 50 Guineas for capture of 23 United Irishmen; dated Belfast 18th July 1798. Signed "G. Nugent, Major General Commanding Northern District".


resource / 1798 / 1803

Four articles from The Irish Press, August and September 1953. 'Arthur, Roger and Feargus; The Mad O'Connors', 'Leonard McNally; The Great Rogue', 'Castlebar will recall the Great Races', 'Reluctant Traitors; Two Tragedies of '03'.