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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 81 to 100 of 171

Showing results from Land Movement

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resource / Thomas O'Donnell MP

Thomas O'Donnell MP. Letter re ex Kerryman, 15.4.1977.


resource / Thomas O'Donnell, MP

Thomas (Tom) O'Donnell MP. Cutting re ex Kerryman, 13 May 1977.


illustration / The Two Policies for Ireland, 1886

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 27 February 1886. Titled 'The Two Policies for Ireland'


membership card / Politcal Prisoners Maintanance Fund, c.1880

Politcal Prisoners Maintanance Fund Collection Card (LLL on back). Dated 26th July. Signed Mary Murphy, Secretary. One of a set of 5 Nationalist Membership Cards c.1880.


supplement / Ruthless Landlordism and its Results

Supplements with the Weekly Freeman and National Press, 28 August 1894. Illustration in four parts depicting homes subjected to evictions; House of Widow Gallagher, Glasserchoo, Evicted November 1890. Home of Paddy O'Brien, Glasserchoo, Evicted. Ten people lived in this house without a window,...


banner / Cullen Land League

Land League banner, Cullen, Co. Tipperary. Green banner with gold braid trim and gold fringe along bottom. A sprig of gold shamrock in each bottom corner. Painted. Depicts Hibernia with a round tower and church in the background. Inscribed 'Cullen the right of a people is the land of people'. The...


resource / Land War, Roscommon

Land War in Roscommon. Article re killing of Major Denis Mahon in 1847 ex Westmeath-Offaly Independent, 9.9.1977.


resource / RIC and Evictions

Royal Irish Constabulary and Evictions. Note from a centenarian's memories, Kerryman, 13.7.1979.


resource / Land Wars

Newspaper Cuttings re Land Wars. Roscommon Champion, 4, 11, 18.1; Guardian (Nenagh), 5.1.1980.


notice / No More Letting of Grasslands

Large, broadsheet sized, Land War poster. 'No More Letting of Grasslands'. No compromise with Landlordism, land-grabbing or grass land letting - God Save Ireland. HH:1939.157.1-4. Papers relating to the Irish Land League (found unregistered 11/12/1939). HH:1939.157.3 - 'No More Letting of...


photograph / Charles Stewart Parnell

Photograph, Charles Stewart Parnell. By photographer W. Lawrence, 5 & 7 Sackville Street, Dublin. HH:1941.34.1-8. Eight photographs of people associated with the Land League. HH:1941.34.7 - C.S. Parnell (with beard).


photograph / Eviction scene, 1880s

Photograph of an eviction scene. In the 1880s showing the breaching of a wall of a thatched cottage by a battering ram which suspended from a tripod is partly in the house. From a lantern slide originally belonging to Maud Gonne.


photograph / Eviction scene, 1880s

Photograph of an eviction scene. In the 1880s showing the breaching of a wall of a thatched cottage by a battering ram which suspended from a tripod is partly in the house. From a lantern slide originally belonging to Maud Gonne.


photograph / Eviction scene, 1880s

Photograph of an eviction scene. In the 1880s showing the breaching of a wall of a thatched cottage by a battering ram which suspended from a tripod is partly in the house. From a lantern slide originally belonging to Maud Gonne.


watercolour / Serving a Writ in Ireland

'Serving a Writ in Ireland'; pen, ink and watercolour sketch, by William Sadler III (probably). Showing whitewash thatched cottage with woman's face appearing in the window. Writ is being served by a humorous, slightly simian figure in battered clothing and top hat. Two more sinister figures reach...


letter / The State of Ireland / Boycott

Photocopy of a letter from Captain Charles Boycott to the Editor of The Times, on The State of Ireland. From Lough Mask House, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo, 14 October, circa 1880.


illustration / Remember Woodford Our Englsh Friends, 1887

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'Weekly Freeman', 5 November 1887. Titled 'Remember Woodford Our English Friends Mr Wilfred Blunt Lady Anna Blunt'.


illustration / The Midnight Meeting at Woodford 16 October 1887

Political Cartoon, supplement to 'United Ireland', 24 December 1887. Titled 'The Midnight Meeting at Woodford 16 October 1887. Mr William O'Brien M.P. burning the proclamation'.


print / Ejectment of Irish Tenantry, 1880s

Print of an illustration, probably from the Weekly Freeman, depicting an eviction scene, Ireland c.1880s. Titled Ejectment of Irish Tenantry.


book / The Agrarian Struggle in Gweedore

Pamphlet or booklet, The Agrarian Struggle in Gweedore, by Reverend James McFadden, P.P., 1889. Printed on sheet.