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Showing results from Historical - Flag and Banner Collection

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flag / 12th Royal Regiment of Veterans

Flag, green, with "12th Royal Regt. of Veterans" embroidered within a shield which is surrounded by a wreath of roses and topped by a crown. The left corner has an applique red and cream striped flag.


colour / Loyal Ballyshannon Volunteers

Flag of Loyal Ballyshannon Volunteers, Co. Donegal.


flag / Dillon Regiment

Flag of the Dillon Regiment, an Irish Regiment in the 18th century French Army, during the Wars of the Austrian Succession 1740 to 1748. The Dillon Regiment was connected to Co.Clare, Ireland. Fragments remain of the flag, red/wine in colour, mounted on backing cloth. Top-left corner is a square...


painting / Dillon Regiment Flag

(Painting of the) Flag of the Dillon Regiment, an Irish Regiment in the 18th century French Army, during the Wars of the Austrian Succession 1740 to 1748. The Dillon Regiment was connected to Co.Clare, Ireland. Fragments remain of the flag, red/wine in colour, mounted on backing cloth. Top-left...


flag / Irish National League, Kilmaley, 1885

Land League Banner. 1885, for the Kilmaley Branch. Portrait of Michael Davitt on one side with slogan 'Down with Landlordism' above, and 'Union is Strength' below. Portrait of Charles Stewart Parnell on the other side above Kilmaley. Below, 'Branch I.N. League'. Green in colour, with central...


flag / Fenian, Tallaght 5 March 1867

Fenian Flag; captured from the Fenians at Tallaght, on 5th March, 1867. Green silk 4' by 3'; with four rows each with eight golden stars embroidered. The design, influenced by the American "Stars & Stripes", shows thirty-two stars in all, representing the thirty-two counties. A note in pen on the...


replica / Fenian Flag

Replica of Fenian flag. Copy of the flag carried by the Fenians at Tallaght in 1867. Green field with 4 rows, each with eight gold stars on either side.


flag / Catalpa, 1876

Flag of the Catalpa. U.S. flag, 14' by 10', 36 stars. The flag under which the whaler ship Catalpa, under Captain George Anthony, travelled on its Freemantle Mission to rescue six Fenians from Western Australia in 1876.


flag / United States of America

A U.S.A. flag of the type flown from Dublin buildings during festive periods. Cotton and wool. 51inches by 102 inches. U.S. Stars and Stripes, with 50 stars.


flag / Grattan's Volunteer Flag

Grattan's Volunteer Flag. Textile banner, dark in colour, with 'Free Trade & Legislative Rights Established' on a riband across the top and bottom, and 'Ireland' in the centre, surrounded by a wreath of shamrocks


flag / Volunteer Flag

Irish Volunteer Flag. Textile banner, dark in colour, with 'Judges Made Independent & A Limited instead of Perpetual Mutiny Bill' on a riband across the top and bottom, and 'Ireland' surrounded by wreath of shamrocks in the centre.


flag /

Centrepice of flag, silk, embroidered with the figure of Hibernia in the centre, holding a flag and leaning on a Maid of Erin harp, with a wreath of shamrock around. Circa 1798 period.


flag / Arms and Strength to Men of Courage

Flag, framed, 1798 period. Silk, centrepiece of flag, with Maid of Erin harp in centre, crowned, and the words 'Arms and Strength to Men of Courage' embroidered around. All encircled by a wreath of shamrock.


flag / Manchester Martyrs / Robert Emmet

Flag or banner, painted, central design of portraits of three men, the Manchester Martyrs William Philip Allen, Michael Larkin and Michael O'Brien, one centre top, a bearded man, and two at bottom left and right corners, one being a man with a goatee beard, the other being clean-shaven. No...


flag / Broguemakers, Co.Tipperary

Trade guild banner of the Tipperary Broguemakers. Banner, painted scene with bown cloth with tassles as a mount or border. The scene depicts a St.Patrick figure holding a staff in his right hand, his left hand resting on the golden harp in the centre. Another man in priest's robes stands to the...


flag / Four Courts surrender, 1922

Flag carried by Father Albert at Four Courts surrender. Tricolour. Given to Feehan family by Mrs. Sinead de Valera. Accompanying note reads 'This flag was carried by Fr Albert on the day of the surrender of the garrison of the Four Courts. He carried the flag from post to post to get all the...


flag / Boland's Mills, 1916

Portions of Boland's Mill Garrison flag, used at Boland's Mills in 1916. In two sections. Green field with a gold harp. BMH Witness Statement accounts state that the flag was flown from the turret of the distillery building as a decoy, drawing fire from the British forces away from the garrison...


fragment / General Post Office, 1916

Fragments of flag found in the ruins of the General Post Office about Monday, May 1st, 1916. It consists of two scraps of bunting material; one, leaf-shaped, white, c.4" x 2"; the other in shape of two leaves joined together along side, c.4" x 3", more than half the material being green and the...


banner / Bailieboro Sinn Fein Club (De Valera Branch)

Banner of the Baileboro Sinn fein Club (De Valera Branch) Sinn Fein, made in 1917 and used at functions of the club from that time forward. Hanging banner, square shaped, painted, tricolour green, white and gold. There are six hanging loops at the top and 11 tassles at the bottom. The central...


flag / 'Helga', 1916

Blue ensign flag of TSS. 'Helga', the gun boat which shelled Liberty Hall during the Easter Rising 1916. Blue hop-sack cloth. Fly, 4'., hoist, 2' 6", with Union Jack in top left hand corner. In centre of ensign, yellow harp with eight white strings, surrounded by...