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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 61 to 80 of 235

Showing results from Proclaiming a Republic: The 1916 Rising

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souvenir / G.P.O., 1916

A stone fragment of the British Royal Arms from the General Post Office, Dublin, 1916. Described by the donor Mr. E.F.N. Taylor - "When the front block of the G.P.O. was being reconstructed, it was found possible to preserve the greater portion of the original external walls, including the portico...


belt / Irish Volunteer, 1916 Rising

An Irish Volunteer's belt, found after Easter 1916, Dublin. Brown leather belt with a brass clasp bearing the motto 'Oglaigh na hEireann'.


ammunition pouch / Patrick Pearse, Surrender, 1916

Patrick Pearse's ammunition pouch. Brown leather; strap and leather covered buckle in front, securing flap, and two straps at back. Pouch for pistol numbered EW.1731. With a contemporary manuscript note signed by Harry E. de Courcy Wheeler - "Pouch and ammunition for Pistol F.N. 54541 cal. 7.65,...


ammunition / Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 1916

One hundred and twenty one rounds of pistol and revolver ammunition for the weapons surrendered to the British military at the end of Easter week, 1916. Ammunition for Patrick Pearse's Browning Fabrique Nationale automatic pistol, Countess Markievicz's Browning Fabrique Nationale automatic pistol,...


mass cloth / Richmond Barracks, 1916

Mass cloth from Richmond Barracks, 1916. White damask table cloth, Marked in indelible pencil or marking ink in corner "D Murphy /C.Fr." Used to cover the table on which Mass was celebrated in Richmond Barracks in 1916.


souvenir / Key of Heaven, 1916

Prayer book, ex GPO 1916. Printed prayer book, with title, "Key of Heaven", in gilt letters. On fly leaf is written ink: "This prayer book was found by Lieut. T.D. Thomas, 22nd Welsh Regt./attached to 12th Inishkilling Fusrs./in the G.P.O. Sackville Street (O'Connell St.) Dublin, after the rebels...


uniform / Sean McGlynn, Irish Volunteer, 1916

Irish Volunteer tunic, 1916. The tunic was worn by Sean McGlynn at position - South Dublin Union, Mount Brown. The position was occupied by about 52 Volunteers and was held from Easter Monday until the following Sunday. The leaders in the position were Eamon Ceannt and Cathal Brugha. There were...


uniform / Fianna Éireann, 1916

Fianna Éireann tunic. A green shirt of the Irishtown Fianna Scouts, worn in the Four Courts in 1916 by John Kelly of Irishtown, Dublin. In the pocket of this was an manuscript note re. assembly.


holster / Fianna Éireann, John Kelly, 1916

Leather holster for revolver, of John Kelly of Fianna Éireann. Irishtown Fianna Scouts. Used at the Four Courts during Easter Week, 1916.


model boat / Helga

Half model of twin screw fishery cruiser, "Helga" (from which vessel, Liberty Hall was shelled on the Wednesday of Easter Week 1916). Speed 14.6 Knots, Dimensions 155' 0" x 24' 6" x 13' 5" Mld. Designed by Mr James Maxton, Belfast. Built by the Dublin Dockyard Company for the Department of...


bayonet / Irish Citizen Army

Bayonet with scabbard, said to have been used by Irish Citizen Army. French Army Bayonet for Chassepot rifle (pre 1886). 'Mre. d'Armes de Culle, November 1880'. Metal scabbard, 21 inches in length, in leather frog.


relic / Roger Casement

Metal framed locket containing a photograph of Sir Roger Casement. Photograph in sepia, in metal frame. The frame is marked on the edge - 'A.F.'. With a black mourning ribbon attached to the hook, in memorial of Casement after his execution, 3 August 1916.


dummy rifle / Irish Volunteers, 1916

One dummy rifle, wooden cut-out, said to have been used for drill by the Irish Volunteers, pre-1916. Partially painted to resemble iron barrel and fittings. With an iron nail and hook.


chessboard / Jacob's Factory, 1916

Chessboard found in Jacob's Factory after Rising, 1916. Wood, measures 11.4 inches square, brown and cream in colour. Broken down middle. Manuscript note in ink on back re provenance. Reads "30th April 1916" and "J.A.Duff" and "This chessboard was found behind the barricades in Jacob's Factory...


hat / Francis Macken, 1916

The bullet pierced green hat worn by Francis Macken as Lieutenent of E. Company, 4th Battalion, Dublin Brigade, in the General Post Office, 1916. Francis Macken was one of the advance guard who left the building with The O'Rahilly and their two bodies were found together. The dried mud on the hat...


bayonet / Volunteer Council competition, 1914

A home-made weapon, similar to a bayonet, made by the donor James Gough in December 1914. The Volunteer Council in Dublin organised a competition scheme and issued orders that those Volunteers who could do so were to make weapons for self-defence. The donor writes that this weapon "could be used on...


letter / Surrender, Patrick H. Pearse, 1916

Letter from Brigadier General Lowe to Patrick Pearse at 2.6 p.m., 29th April 1916, from the Crown Hotel, Dublin, concerning surrender terms. Contemporary manuscript copy of.


rifle / The Aud, 1916

Mosin, Russian rifle salvaged from 'The Aud', 1916. Said to have been used as evidence in preliminary trial of 'Casement' in Dublin under Major H.M. Fraser the Provost Marshal in Dublin, 1916, and kept by Major Fraser as a keepsake afterwards. Russian inscription and the no. 194770 stamped on...


anniversary card / Thomas Kent

Card commemorating the First Anniversary of the execution of Thomas Kent. Reads - I gcuimhne ar Thomas R. Ceannt (In Memory of Thomas R. Kent), Commandant, Cork Brigade I.R.A., Who Died for Ireland 9th May 1916.


card / Jacobs Factory, 1916

Sections of tricolour which flew over Jacobs in 1916. Comprising three fragments of cloth about .5 x .25 inches in dimension, one green, one white and one yellow, pasted on to a piece of brown paper 3.6 x 5.8 inches, in the shape of a flag staff painted in white alongside the cloth fragments....