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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

Showing results 181 to 200 of 220

Showing results from 1916 Rising

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letter / Fleming Family

Postcard, addressed to Michael Fleming at Clarenbridge, Co. Galway, from Seamas?, at Enniscorthy 27 June 1917. Found within a copy of a prayer book, in Irish, 'Torsaidheacht air Lorg Chriosta', belonging to Michael Fleming, and containing a number of letters, obituaries and other mementoes of the...


belt / Fleming Family

Sam Browne belt, brown leather. No insignia. Shoulder strap missing. Part of a collection of material relating to the Fleming family, the father Michael Fleming and his sons Patrick, Thomas and Joseph Fleming, Irish Volunteers of Clarenbridge, Oranmore, Co. Galway, who participated in the 1916...


revolver holster / Liam Mellows

Revolver holster used by Liam Mellows. Note attaached when received written by Mrs M. Woods reads 'This was one of Liam Mellows' holsters'. Brown leather holster, brass buckles, with belt straps. No maker's mark.


souvenir / G.P.O., 1916

A stone fragment of the British Royal Arms from the General Post Office, Dublin, 1916. Described by the donor Mr. E.F.N. Taylor - "When the front block of the G.P.O. was being reconstructed, it was found possible to preserve the greater portion of the original external walls, including the portico...


folding camera / Roger Casement, Peru, c.1909 - 1910

Camera said to be that with which Roger Casement took the photographs of the Putumayo Atrocities in Peru, with statement (on file) by Mrs. Kate Casement of its authenticity. A folding camera, 9.25 inches, closed, with maker's mark "The Ensign. H. Ltd. London." The Ensign folding camera, possibly...


shell casing / Phibsboro railway bridge, 1916

Portion of shell case, which tore the clothes of Mr Albert Bigger at Doyle's Corner, Phibsboro. The shell was fired from the Phoenix Park at a party of Irish Volunteers who were attempting to blow up the railway bridge at Phibsboro towards the middle of Easter Week, 1916.


automatic pistol / 'G' Man, 1916

'G' Man pistol, 1916. Webley & Scott 7.65 mm. 1911 model automatic. Given to Seán O'Duffy by the 'G' man who protected General Maxwell, and who subsequently was of considerable help in passing on information re for example, the "German Plot" arrests of 1918 and the plan to arrest de Valera on the...


souvenir / G.P.O., 1916

A portion of the glass roof of the General Post Office, recovered from the debris after the destruction of the building at the end of Easter week, 1916.


souvenir / GPO, 1916

Portion of the roof of the General Post Office. A small strip of metal, distorted and bent from the heat of the fire of the burning building at the end of Easter week, 1916.


photograph / Fowler Orange Hall

Ulster Volunteers, two photographs of a collection of arms discovered in the Fowler Orange Hall, Parnell Square, Dublin, in the course of alterations carried out by the Irish government (? date). The hall was temporarily occupied by Republican forces in 1916 and 1922, when the arms in question...


musical instrument / Michael Mallin, 1916

Michael Mallin's concert flute. With a silver plate attached, bearing the inscription 'By Capt. G. Hewson. Presented to Band 18th R.I. Rifles, taken at Liberty Hall, Dublin. Rebellion, 1916'. This flute formed part of the contents of a house which were purchased by Mr Rupert Coffey in about 1939....


1916 Proclamation / Half-Proclamation, 1916

Original print of the lower half of the Easter Week Proclamation 1916. With a signature at the top left hand corner, 'Presented to Sir H. [illegible] Just run off [illegible] at Liberty Hall by an old friend. 3.5.16, 1.20pm'. Printed in Liberty Hall by British soldiers about April 29 - May 6, 1916....


souvenir / 1916 Rising

A burned watch from the ruins of Messrs. Hopkins & Hopkins, Jewellers, on the corner of O'Connell Street and Eden Quay, 1916. the face of watch is missing. The case and mechanism are present but severely burned.


memorandum / Magazine Fort Raid, 1916

1916 Rising, prisoners in Kilmainham. Memorandum document from R.E. Campbell 2 St. 2K. E.H. Phoenix Park Magazine to W.S. Lennon, Major, Commandant Kilmainham, Detention Barracks, dated 2 May 1916. Re the identification of the men responsible for the Magazine Fort Raid.


printer component / 1916 Proclamation

1916 Proclamation. The brass "shooter" which was used to lock the Proclamation on the printing machine in Liberty Hall, 1916. The name 'Brady', Christopher Brady, one of the printers, scratched into the metal.


letter / Sister Anna Sproule, 1916 Rising

Letter on War Office headed paper to P.K. Sproule, next of kin to the late Anna Sproule, dated July 1920. Forwarding to him the Royal Red Cross (2nd Class) medal awarded to Miss A. Sproule, A.R.R.C. in recognition of her valuable service. Part of the paperwork relating to the awarding of medals...


letter / Sister Anna Sproule, 1916 Rising

Letter on War Office headed paper to P.K. Sproule, next of kin to the late Anna Sproule, dated 5 July 1920. Informing that the Royal Red Cross (2nd Class) medal has been awarded to Miss Anna Sproule, and requesting that he receive it. Part of the paperwork relating to the awarding of medals to...


scrapbook / 1916 Rising

Album or scrapbook containing clippings of Nationalistic sentiment, Easter Rising 1916, early 20th century.


photograph / Margaret Skinnider, I.C.A.

Miss Margaret Skinnider, Irish Citizen Army, portrait photograph of. Skinnider served in the Royal College of Surgeons, 1916, and was wounded there.


ammunition / Dublin

Cast iron hand grenade case (empty), similar to No.9 grenade as made in Dublin, segmented, egg-shaped 4.7" long by 2.5" greatest diam.