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Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Boland's Mills


photograph /

Photograph of the late Cathal MacDubhghaill (Cathal MacDowell). He belonged to the 3rd Batt. I.R.A. and fought in Bolands Mill under Eamon de Valera. See biographical article on Cathal MacDubhghaill by R.M. Fox in "The Monitor" (New York) January 1930.


certificate / Eamon de Valera, 3rd Battalion

Certificate with photograph, certifying de Eamon Valera as the Commander of the 3rd Battalion, Dublin Brigade at Boland's Mills, 1916. Signed by Michael Tannan (Captain), Hugh Masterson(?), and J. Morrisey(?). Undated. Framed.


flag / Boland's Mills, 1916

Portions of Boland's Mill Garrison flag, used at Boland's Mills in 1916. In two sections. Green field with a gold harp. BMH Witness Statement accounts state that the flag was flown from the turret of the distillery building as a decoy, drawing fire from the British forces away from the garrison...


flag / Boland's Mill Garrison, 1916

A fragment of flag which flew over Boland's Mills during Easter Week. the flag was originally a green field with a gold harp. Consisting of a strip of green woollen cloth. The Boland's Mills flag was flown from the turret of the distillery in the complex of buildings to distract attention from the...


photograph / Boland's Mills Garrison, surrender

Photograph of the surrender of the Boland's Mills Garrison, marching down road with white flag leading. Eamon de Valera visible in forefront. 30 April 1916.


banner / Bolands Mills, alleged, 1916

Flag alleged to have been at Bolands Mill in 1916. Given to Mr P. Ward by the son-in-law of 2nd Lt. Andrew Balfour Cumming (Black Watch, Royal Highlanders). Cumming had been one of the troops guarding de Valera after the surrender in 1916. The flag, however, almost certainly did not fly over...


hat / Andrew Byrne, Boland's Mills, 1916

Hat said to have been worn at the time of his death by Andrew Joseph Byrne, killed in Boland's Mills, 1916. Green felt hat, much faded and with a hole in brim. Probably originally dark grey-green. A version of an Irish Volunteer hat, with detailing missing, with a dark mark around where the band...


prison biscuit / Frank Murray, Fianna Éireann, 1916

The Prisoners Biscuit, 1916. A biscuit of the kind given to prisoners in the Royal Dublin Society grounds in Ballsbridge and at Richmond Barracks, Easter 1916. The owner writes "they were so very hard that few of us could eat them". Given to Frank Murray at Richmond Barracks. At the time, he was...