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Historical Collections Online

Search our Historical Collections Online, a sample of 10,000 artefacts from the National Museum of Ireland’s Historical, Military and Easter Week Collections, published as part of the Decade of Commemorations.

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Showing results from Staffordshire


commemorative jug / Duke of Leinster

Jug, Staffordshire cream ware pottery, about 1780. Decorated with three black transfer printed designs: 1) Portrait of the second Duke of Leinster, with, above PRINTED AND SOLD BY WALSH AND BARDLEY, DUBLIN and, below HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF LEINSTER. 2) Figures of children playing on steps under an...


commemorative jug / Horticultural Society of Ireland

Lustre jug, probably Staffordshire, circa 1817. Light glazed earthenware jug of Spode 'Low Dutch' shape. Pronounced lip moulded with acanthus leaf edge; shaped handle. Gold lustre (pink/purple in appearance) in band around neck and foot; outlining details around lip, as sprigs on handle and in an...


bust / Napoleon Bonaparte

Bust of Napoleon Bonaparte, enamelled pottery; full face, blue coat with yellow flowered border; marbled pedestal; back has "Bonaparte" impressed. English (Staffordshire) late 18th or early 19th century.


cap / Sean Duffy, Irish Volunteer

Seán M. Ua Dubhthaigh's (O'Duffy) Irish Volunteer uniform comprising peaked cap, pants and fully buttoned tunic. Worn by donor St. Patrick's Day 1916, during Easter Rising, in Staffordshire, Frongoch, at Thomas Ashe's funeral, and by donor at the 1941 and 1916 commemorative functions.